In every age it is proclaimed
By enlightened teachers!
It is said in different languages
In different ways at different times!
But it is, in essence, always the same —
It is the Dharma, the true reason for living
And being. It is as constant as change for the
Living, and as certain as rebirth for the dying.
What is the Dharma?
It is this:
We are all drowning in the ocean of life,
We are all drowning in the ocean of death,
The wheel of creation spins us
We are all drowning in the ocean of existence.
And yet there are a few who are immune
To all of this drowning,
To all of this constant living and dying.
They swim in the oceans of life and death unaffected
By the ceaseless agony and ecstasy of incarnation,
By all of this drowning;
For they are enlightened,
Enlightenment in incarnate form,
And they sing hymns to the drowning,
Chants to take away our fears.
And if we reach out and call to them
To save us from all of this living and dying,
They laugh at us and at our tears
And tell us that we are already saved,
Saved by our drowning,
By our living and dying,
In this ocean of life,
In this ocean of death.